Sunday, August 6, 2023

Pepper Adams: Saxophone Trailblazer


I’m eagerly awaiting the release of Pepper Adams: Saxophone Trailblazer.

The ship date is September 1. It’s the abridged version of Reflectory:

The Life and Music of Pepper Adams, the ebookthat I published in 2021, four days before Adams’s 91st birthday: 

The paperback is available as a pre-order:

It can also be pre-ordered on both Amazon and Barnes & Noble. See the

links below.


If anyone is interested in reviewing it, request a review copy here: 

An excerpt of the paperback appeared recently on Ethan Iverson’s

newsletter Transitional Technology (#TT 288) to correspond with the

book’s upcoming publication:

Frank Basile sent me a link to 314 E 6th St #10, the apartment that Adams

and Elvin Jones shared in mid-1959. It looks rather posh now but it certainly

wasn’t then:

On October 8, 2023, Pepper’s 93rd birthday, Aaron Lington and I will be

hosting the fifth Adams Roundtable. As with all of them, it will be eventually

posted on YouTube and at https://www.pepperadams.comThe fourth installment, still in the editing phase, will be posted in the next

month or so. The previous three can be found here: 

Here’s the roster thus far for #5:

Noah Pettibon: unknown solo

Pat LaBarbera: Reminiscing in Tempo

Bevan Manson: Compositional Aspects of Selected 

Pepper Tunes

Aaron Lington: unknown solo

Glenn Wilson: unknown solo 

Jason Marshall: unknown solo 

Danny Harrington: unknown solo

Russell Scarbrough: Thad, Pepper, and Mingus

Gordon Vernick: unknown solo

John Vana: “Lover” (1977)

Kevin Goss: "My Shining Hour" (1980)

Joseph Trahan: “Alone Together” (1983)

Ronnie Burrage: “Dobbin” or “Doctor Deep” (1985)