Sunday, June 4, 2023

Quick Takes


I hope everyone is having an enjoyable beginning to the summer.

Recently, new chronology links were posted at,updating both Adams’s life while affiliated with Thad Jones, and

his concluding eight years after he left Jones/Lewis:

The Adams Panel #4 that I conducted with Aaron Lington’s help

is almost ready to be posted. It’s taken a lot of time to prepare due to

one of our panelist’s audio issues.

I’m excited to announce that an outline from Noah Pettibon is expected

this summer for his forthcoming book on Adams, co-written with John


Coinciding with the Fall release of the paperback edition of Reflectory

will be Panel #5, scheduled on October 8, Adams’s 93rd birthday. The

roster of participants so far is terrific!:

Pat LaBarbera: Reminiscing in Tempo

Bevan Manson: Compositional Aspects of Selected Pepper Tunes

Noah Pettibon: solo from Encounter (1968)

John Vana: “Lover” (1977)

Kevin Goss: "My Shining Hour" (1980)

Joseph Trahan: “Alone Together” (1983)

Ronnie Burrage: “Dobbin” or “Doctor Deep” (1985)

Aaron Lington: unknown solo

Glenn Wilson: unknown solo 

Jason Marshall: unknown solo 

Danny Harrington: unknown solo